Projects - Finished


The purpose of the DIGI-MODE project is to promote the increased usage of digital tools and in particular Virtual Reality solutions to companies located in Ostrobothnia. This is mainly achieved through the planning, development, demonstrations and validation of so-called digital twins. Three major digital twins will be developed in cooperation with local companies from different business sectors: The manufacturing industry, the real estate and construction sector and the energy sector.

A digital twin is a real-time virtual representation of a physical object or process. Digital twins can visualize data from different types of sensors, such as energy meters, water meters, cameras and other IoT devices. Using digital twins, it’s possible to streamline remote working, cooperation and maintenance. This is something which has grown increasingly relevant over the last few years.

The DIGI-MODE project is a collaboration between the University of Vaasa, VAMK, Novia UAS and Åbo Akademi. The project will make use of the existing infrastructure available at the University of Vaasa, Technobothnia, the Design Centre MUOVA (VAMK) and Experience lab at Åbo Akademi.

Results – Architectural Masser

More information at:

Projects - Finished

Vasa InnoCare

Digital Innovations in Welfare Technology

The goal of the project is to create a regional innovation environment in digital technology for the healthcare sector in Ostrobothnia. In a collaborative process with stakeholders, the project aims to gradually develop, test, and evaluate innovative applications in health robotics and Virtual Reality (VR).

The project consists of two development environments (Åbo Akademi/Experience Lab and Novia/Campus Alere) as well as pilot points in the field. The collaborative model builds networks between researchers, teachers, practitioners, and patients.

The project will introduce new innovative applications to the field, recommendations for best practices in digital technology, and an enhanced collaborative model. The project is funded by Ostrobothnia Regional Council/ERUF and is ongoing until the end of July 2021.

The project leader is Linda Nyholm, Unit of Nursing Science at Åbo Akademi University in Vaasa.

Learn more about the project on the website:

[SV] Digitala innovationer kring välfärdsteknologi

Projektets  mål  är  att  skapa  en  regional  innovationsmiljö  inom  digital  teknologi  för vård och omsorgssektorn i Österbotten. Projektet ska i en samskapande process med intressenter stegvis utveckla, testa och utvärdera innovativa tillämpningar inom hälsorobotik och Virtual Reality (VR).

Projektet  består  av två  utvecklingsmiljöer  (Åbo  Akademi/Experience  Lab  och Novia/Campus Alere) samt piloteringspunkter på fältet. Den samskapande modellen bygger  nätverk  mellan  forskare, lärare,  yrkesutövare  och  patienter. 

Projektet kommer  tillföra  nya  innovativa  tillämpningar  till  fältet,  rekommendationer  för  god praxis för digital teknologi samt en utvecklad samskapandemodell. Projektet är finansierat av Österbottens förbund/ERUF och pågår till sista juli 2021.

Projektledare är Linda Nyholm, vårdvetenskapliga enheten vid ÅA i Vasa.

Läs mer om projektet på webbsidan:

Projects - Finished

Bothnia Learning Hub

The Bothnia Learning Hub leverages the opportunities of digitalization. The project further develops and disseminates good practices of digital learning environments and experiments with new technologies and working methods. The focus is on teacher education at Åbo Akademi and teachers in the field. This is done through a development process in the form of a co-creative process at three levels, leading to a knowledge lift for all actors.

The project is one of Prime Minister Sipilä’s spearhead projects for developing teacher education.


Bothnia Learning Hub utnyttjar digitaliseringens möjligheter. Projektet vidareutvecklar och sprider god praxis av digitala lärandemiljöer och experimenterar med nya teknologier och arbetssätt. I fokus är lärarutbildningen vid Åbo Akademi och lärare på fältet. Detta sker genom ett utvecklingsarbete i form av en medskapande process på tre nivåer som leder till ett kunskapslyft hos alla aktörer.

Projektet är ett av regeringen Sipiläs spetsprojekt för att utveckla lärarutbildningen.