Book chapters, peer reviewed journal articles & proceedings publications:
Ståhl, M. and Rusk, F. (2022). Maintaining Participant Integrity – Ethics and Fieldwork in Online Video Games. In: Russell, L., Barley, R. and Tummons, J. (Eds.) Ethics, Ethnography and Education (Studies in Educational Ethnography, Vol. 19). Emerald Publishing Limited, Bingley, pp. 87-107.
Rusk, F. & Ståhl, M. (2022). Coordinating teamplay using named locations in a multilingual game environment – Playing esports in an educational context, Classroom Discourse.
Katz, H., Acquah, E., Bengs, A., Sten, F., & Wingren, M. (2022). Improving immigrant inclusion through the design of a digital language learning game. In O. Bernardes & V. Amorim (eds.), Promoting Economic and Social Development Through Serious Games. IGI Global.
Backholm, K., Hägglund, S., Rautanen, K., Wingren, M. (2022). What Drives News Choices and Trust in Journalism of Young People?. In: Manninen, V.J.E., Niemi, M.K., Ridge-Newman, A. (eds) Futures of Journalism. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.
Hansell, K., Ståhl, M., Pörn, M., Rusk, F., Backholm-Nyberg, Y., Majors, J. & Bäck, S. (2022). Tandem på spel − spelbaserat språklärande över språkgränsen. Kieli, koulutus ja yhteiskunta, 13(3).
Hägglund, S., Fagerström, L., & Nyholm, L. (2022). Promoting Human and Planetary Health Simultaneously by Addressing Sustainability on an Holistic, Multidimensional Level in the Design and use of SARs. International Journal of Caring Sciences, 15 (1), 650-654.
Björk, A., Ruthmann, A., Granfors, M., Högväg, J., & Andersson, S. (2021). The potential of a mixed-methods approach for research on learning to theorise music. Music Education Research.
Berg, J., Lindholm, J., & Högväg, J. (2021). How do we know that it works? Designing a digital democratic innovation with the help of user-centered design. Information Polity.
Lindholm, J., Backholm, K, & Högväg, J. (2021). Information Overload!: Investigating the Usability of an Information Tool for Crisis Situations With Biometric Data. In L. Olíviera, F. Tajariol, & L. B. Gonçalves, Digital Services in Crisis, Disaster, and Emergency Situations, pp. 50-76. IGI Global.
Lindholm, J., Carlson, T., & Högväg, J. (2021; online first 2020). See me, like me! Exploring viewers’ visual attention to and trait perception of party leaders on instagram. The International Journal of Press/Politics.
Hägglund, S., Andersson, S., & Backholm-Nyberg, Y. (2020). A Design Strategy for Meaningful HRI Discussions in Elementary School . Empowering Children’s Critical Reflections on AI, Robotics and Other Intelligent Technologies Workshop at NordiCHI2020. Presented at the NordiCHI2020, Zenodo.
Lindholm, J., Carlson, T., & Högväg, J. (2020, online first). See me, like me! Exploring viewers’ visual attention to and trait perception of party leaders on instagram. The International Journal of Press/Politics.
Myrskog, S., & Högväg, J. (2020). Manuellt eller digitalt. Techne serien – Forskning i Slöjdpedagogik och Slöjdvetenskap, 27(1), 70-87.
Backholm, K., Högväg, J., Lindholm, J. Knutsen, J., & Westvang E. (2018). Promoting situation awareness: Usability of a social media tool for journalists and crisis managers. International Journal of Information systems for Crisis Response and Management (IJISCRAM) 10(1),
Bengs, A., Hägglund, S., & Wiklund-Engblom, A. (2018). Applying Experience Design to Facilitate Wellbeing and Social Inclusion of Older Adults. Interaction Design and Architecture(s) Journal – IxD&A, 36, 11-30.
Majors, J., Bengs, A., Granlund, S., Ylitalo, A., & Byholm, M. (2018). Moodle Moods? A User experience Study of a Small Private Online Course in Higher Teacher Education. In Proceedings of the 22nd International Academic Mindtrek Conference (Mindtrek’18), pp. 228-235.ACM, New York, NY, USA.
Backholm, K., Högväg, J.,Lindholm, J., Knutsen, J & Westvang E.
(2018).”Securing situational awareness in technical innovations for crisis
communication. Lessons learned from tool development and usability testing in
the RESCUE project” in Backholm, K & Hornmoen, H. Social Media Use in
Crisis and Risk Communication. Bingley: Emerald. Available online at
Lindholm, J., Backholm, K., & Högväg, J. (2018) “What eye
movements and facial expressions tell us about user-friendliness. Biometric
testing of a social media information gathering tool for communicators and
journalists” in Backholm, K & Hornmoen, H. Social Media Use in Crisis
and Risk Communication. Bingley: Emerald. Available online at
2017 and earlier
Backholm, K., Ausserhofer, J., Frey, E., Grøndah Larsen, A., Hornmoen,
H., Högväg, J., & Reimerth, G. (2017). Crises, rumors and reposts:
Journalists’ social media content gathering and verification practices in
breaking new situations. Media and
Communication, 5, p. 67-76. DOI: 10.17645/mac.v5i2.878
Bengs, A., Hägglund, S., Wiklund-Engblom, A., Majors, J., &
Ashfaq, A. (2017). Designing for social inclusion of immigrant women: the case
of TeaTime. Innovation: The European
Journal of Social Science Research. DOI:10.1080/13511610.2017.1348931
Sabiha, Wiklund-Engblom, Annika, Obal, Damjan & Morrison, Ann, (2016).
Transmedia Perspectives (pp. 309-325). In A. Lugmayr, & C. Dal Zotto
(Eds.), Media Convergence Handbook: Firms and User Perspectives (vol. 2).
S. (2016). Ristinummi 2.0. I Tutkitusti Parempi Lähiö – Asuinalueiden
kehittämisohjelman tutkimusjulkaisu. ARA, Juvenes Print – Suomen Yliopistopaino
oy. ISBN: 978-952- 11-4549-0
A., Staffans, S., Markko, S., Smirnoff, M., Olander, R. (2016). Transmedia
storytelling for industry promotion: The case of the Energy Ambassador of
EnergyVaasa, Finland. In C. M. Schmidt (ed.), Crossmedia-Kommunikation in kulturbedingten Handlungsräumen:
Mediengerechte Anwendung und zielgruppenspezifische Ausrichtung. Wiesbaden:
Springer VS.
A., & Hansén, S.-E. (2016). Corporate e-learning design research: A study
on design affordances for self-regulated learning. In C. M. Schmidt (ed.), Crossmedia-Kommunikation in kulturbedingten
Handlungsräumen: Mediengerechte Anwendung und zielgruppenspezifische
Ausrichtung. Wiesbaden: Springer VS.
A., Wiklund-Engblom, A., Majors, J., Teirilä, M., & Oraviita, T. (2016).
Cross-cultural digital design: Lessons learned from the case of ImageTestLab.
In C. M. Schmidt (ed.), Crossmedia-Kommunikation
in kulturbedingten Handlungsräumen: Mediengerechte Anwendung und
zielgruppenspezifische Ausrichtung. Wiesbaden: Springer VS.
Lindholm, J., Carlson, T., Djupsund, G., Högväg J. & Strandberg,
K. (2015). Citizens’ Emotional and Cognitive Responses to Focusing Events: An
Experimental Study. International Journal of Mass Emergencies and Disasters.
M., Wiklund-Engblom, A., Bengs, A., Hägglund, S., & Diefenbach, S. (2015).
Experience-Oriented and Product-Oriented Evaluation: Psychological Need Fulfillment,
Positive Affect, and Product Perception. International Journal of
Human-Computer Interaction, 31, 530-544. DOI: 10.1080/10447318.2015.1064664
A., & Högväg, J. (2014). The Quest for Integrating Data in Mixed Research:
User Experience Research Revisited. In M. Horsley, M. Eliot, B. Knight, &
R. Reilly (Eds.), Current Trends in Eye
Tracking Research (pp. 161-175). Springer-Verlag. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-02868-2_12
A., Leminen, S., Westerlund, M., Staffans, S., Esch, M., & Rajala, R.
(2012). Towards Transmedia Innovation:
An Empirical Analysis of a Multiplatform Format. In I. Ibrus & C. A.
Scolari (Eds.) Crossmedia Innovations:
Texts, Markets, Institutions. Peter Lang Publishing.
S., & Wiklund-Engblom, A. (2010). Developing Cross Media and Interactivity
for Edutainment. Conclusions Drawn from “The Space Trainees” Project. In K.
Drotner & K. C. Schrøder (Eds.). Digital
Content Creation: Creativity, Competence, Critique. NY: Peter Lang
A., Hägglund, S., Wiklund-Engblom, A., & Staffans, S. (2015). Designing for
Suburban Social Inclusion: A Case of Geo-Located Storytelling. Interaction
Design and Architecture(s) Journal – IxD&A, 25, 85-99.
A., Hartvik, J., Hiltunen, K., Johansson M., & Porko-Hudd, M.,
(2015). Process Documentation in Sloyd: Pilot Study of the ‘Talking Tools’
Application. International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies (i-JIM),
9(3), 11-17.
N. A., Díaz Rodríguez, N., Danielsson-Ojala, R., Pirinen, H., Kauhanen, L.,
Salanterä, S., Majors, J., Björklund, S., Rautanen, K., Salakoski, T.,
Tuominen, I., Porres, I., & Lilius, J. (2014). Smart Dosing: A Mobile
Application for Tracking the Medication Tray-Filling and Dispensation Processes
in Hospital Wards. In J. C. Augusto, & K.-H. Wolf (Eds.) Lecture Notes in Computer Science: Proc. of
the 6th International Workshop on Intelligent Environments Supporting
Healthcare and Well-being (WISHWell’14), pp. 1-10. Eindhoven, The
Netherlands, 11th of November, 2014. Springer.
Rodríguez, N., Lilius, J., Danielsson-Ojala, R., Pirinen, H., Kauhanen, L.,
Salanterä, S., Majors, J., Björlund, S., Rautanen, K., Salakoski, T., &
Tuominen, I. (2014). Can IT Health-Care Applications Improve the Medication
Tray-Filling Process At Hospital Wards? An Exploratory Study Using Eye-Tracking
and Stress Response. In A. V. Neto, & J. Neuman de Souza (Eds.), Proc. of the 16th International Conference
on E-health Networking, Application
& Services (Healthcom’14), pp. 347-352. Natal, RN Brazil, 15-18
October, 2014. IEEE.
A., Hiltunen, K., Hartvik, J., Porko-Hudd, M., & Johansson M. (2014). ‘Talking
Tools’: Sloyd Processes Become Multimodal Stories with Smartphone Documentation. International Journal of Mobile and
Blended Learning (IJMBL), 6(2), p. 41-57. DOI: 10.4018/ijmbl.2014040104
Annika; Hiltunen, Kasper; Hartvik, Juha; Porko-Hudd, Mia; Johansson, Marléne
(2014). Piloting the ‘Talking Tools’ Smartphone App: Validating Blog Content
Analysis with Students’ Reflections. In M. E. Auer (Ed.) Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Interactive Mobile
and Computer Aided Learning (IMCL), pp. 1-4. Thessaloniki, Greece, 13-14
November 2014.
A., Hiltunen, K., Hartvik, J., & Porko-Hudd, M. (2013). Transmedia
Storybuilding in Sloyd. Proceedings of
IADIS Mobile Learning Conference, 13-16 March, Lisbon, Portugal.
A., Bengs, A., & Högväg, J. (2012). The Best of Both Worlds: How to Find
the Added Value of Mixed Methods in Research.
Proceedings of the 4th Qualitative Research Conference, 6-7
June, Vasa, Finland.
A., & Wiklund-Engblom, A. (2012). How do B2B Companies Motivate
Participation in Online Innovation? Proceedings
of the Academic MindTrek Conference, 3-5th October, Tampere. Available
online at the ACM Digital Library.
M., Wiklund-Engblom, A., & Staffans, S. (2011). Experience as a Starting
Point of Designing Transmedia Content. Proceedings
of the EuroITV 2011 conference. Available online at the ACM Digital
A., Bengs, A., Hassenzahl, M., Forth, J., & Sperring, S. (2010). Exploring
methods for measuring media experience. Proceedings
of the Nordic conference on experience: conference proceedings. Medusa
Group of Vaasa Consortium of Higher Education. Vaasa, Finland: Tritonia.
A. (2010). Mixed Methods for Exploring E-learning Experiences. Proceedings of the 3rd
Qualitative Research Conference, 1-3 June, Vasa, Finland
A. (2010). Triangulating Methods for
Exploring the Link between User Experience and E-Learning. Proceedings of the Academic MindTrek
Conference, Tampere, Finland, Oct 6-8, 2010.
A. (2010). Exploring Conative Constructs and Self-Regulation of E-Learners: A
Mixed Methods Approach. Proceedings of
ASCILITE 2010 Conference, Sydney, Australia, Dec 5-7, 2010.
A. (2009). Approaches and Strategies for Choice of Actions in Self-Paced
E-Learning in the Workplace. International
Journal of Advanced Corporate Learning (iJAC) 2 (1). Available online at:
S., Wiklund-Engblom, A., Hassenzahl, M., & Sperring, S. (2009). Doing It
Right: Combining Edutainment Format Development And Research. Transactions on Edutainment, Vol. 2 (2).
Available online at:
A., Hassenzahl, M., Bengs, A., & Sperring, S. (2009). What Needs Tell Us
about User Experience. Proceedings of of
INTERACT 2009, 12th IFIP TC13 Conference on Human-Computer Interaction,
August 24-28th, in Uppsala, Sweden.
Available online at:
M., Wiklund-Engblom, A., & Sperring, S. (2009). Think
positive – designing and understanding enjoyable interactive media experiences. Workshop. In adj. proceedings of EuroITV 2009, June 3rd, Leuven,
S. (2008). Developing cross media and interactivity for edutainment purposes.
Conclusions drawn from the development work on the project The Space Trainees. Proceedings of the DREAM Conference,
Odense, September.
S., & Strandvall, T. (2008). Viewers’ Experiences of a TV Quiz Show with
integrated interactivity. International
Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 24 (2), pp. 174-196.
A. (2008). Approaches and Strategies for Choice of Actions in Self-Paced
E-Learning in the Workplace. Proceedings
of the International Conference for E-Learning in the Workplace (ICELW),
New York, 12-13 June.
A. (2007). The Web-Based Learning Process: Facilitators for Developing
Strategies for Self-Directed Web-Learning. Proceedings
of the European Conference on E-Learning (ECEL), Copenhagen, Denmark, 3-5
S., & Strandvall, T. (2007). Decoding experiencing entertainment in iTV. Proceedings of the EuroITV 2007 conference,
Amsterdam, The Netherlands, May 2007.
T., & Sperring, S. (2007). “Different” and “exciting”. The impact of
set-top box and mobile phone interactivity on TV viewing experiences. Proceedings of the EuroITV 2007 conference,
Amsterdam, The Netherlands, May 2007.
S., & Strandvall, T. (2006). Tv-program och filmer i strålkastarljuset i
publikundersökningar. Nordicom
Information, 28 (1), 85-93.
Sperring, S., & Strandvall, T. (2006). The experience of
entertainment in an interactive television show. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Communication and
Mass Media, May 22-24, 2006, Athens, Greece.
Conference presentations (with or without paper in proceedings):
J., & Wiklund-Engblom, A. (2014). User experience in mind. Presented at the
14th International and Interdisciplinary Conference on the Research
Cooperation European Cultures in Business and Corporate Communication (EUCO);
Cross Media Challenges in Corporate Communication, 23-25 October, Turku,
A. (2014). It’s all about learning! Applying theories of learning technology
design to corporate communication. Presented at the 14th
International and Interdisciplinary Conference on the Research Cooperation
European Cultures in Business and Corporate Communication (EUCO); Cross Media
Challenges in Corporate Communication, 23-25 October, Turku, Finland.
A., Wiklund-Engblom, A., Oraviita, T. (2014). Investigating the user experience
of digital content in a cross-cultural context: Methods, challenges and
requirements. Presented at the 14th International and
Interdisciplinary Conference on the Research Cooperation European Cultures in
Business and Corporate Communication (EUCO); Cross Media Challenges in
Corporate Communication, 23-25 October, Turku, Finland.
S. (2014). Energialähettiläs 2013: Using transmedia storytelling methods to
unify a global campaign. Presented at the 14th International and
Interdisciplinary Conference on the Research Cooperation European Cultures in
Business and Corporate Communication (EUCO); Cross Media Challenges in
Corporate Communication, 23-25 October, Turku, Finland.
A., Hiltunen, K., Hartvik, J., Porko-Hudd, M., & Johansson, M. (2014).
Piloting the ‘Talking Tools’ smartphone app: Validating blog content analysis
with students’ reflections. In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference
on Interactive Mobile Communication Technologies and Learning, IMCL2014, pp.
1-4. Thessaloniki, Greece, 13-14 November. Power point presentation available
A., Hiltunen, K., Hartvik, J., & Porko-Hudd, M. (2013). Transmedia
Storybuilding in Sloyd. Proceedings of
IADIS Mobile Learning Conference, 13-16 March, Lisbon, Portugal.
M., Staffans, S., &Wiklund-Engblom, A. (2012). Influencing Design and Content: A descriptive study on how to integrate
users in creating a transmedia format. Paper presented at “You, Me, User”
Conference on User-Generated Culture, 25-26th May, Helsinki.
M., Wiklund-Engblom, A., Sperring, S., Hassenzahl, M., & Bengs, A. (2012). Sense the Audience: A study of Great Music
Experiences. Paper presented at the 2nd Nordic Conference on
Experience, 13-14th September, Vasa, Finland.
A., Andersson, S., Högväg, J., & Bengs, A. (2012). The e-Value8 Analysing Tool for Mixed Data: A Work in Progress Software
Development for Analysing Experiences. Paper presented at the 2nd Nordic
Conference on Experience, 13-14th September, Vasa, Finland.
J., Hiltunen, K., Johansson, M., Porko-Hudd, M., & Wiklund-Engblom,
A.(2012). Talking Tools: A Mobile
Solution for Elongating the Learning Experience in Sloyd. Paper presented
at the 2nd Nordic Conference on Experience, 13-14th September, Vasa, Finland.
J., Wiklund-Engblom, A., Bengs, A., & Hassenzahl, M. (2009). User experience and audience research
approaches. Paper presented at the third Tobii Eyetracking Conference,
April 22-23rd, Frankfurt.
S., Wiklund-Engblom, A., Hassenzahl, M., & Sperring, S. (2009). Doing it right: combining edutainment format
development and research. The 4th International Conference on E-Learning
and Games (Edutainment 2009), August 9-11th, Banff, Canada. Available online at:
S., Staffans, S., Wiklund-Engblom, A., & Bengs, A. (2009). Educational yet entertaining: oxymoronic
experiences in a cross media show for kids. Paper presented at the congress
Entertainment = Emotion, 15th – 21st
November, Benasque, Spain.
A., Bengs, A., Staffans, S., & Eriksson, H. (2009). User Experience on a Cross Media Format Combining CALL and TV.
Paper presented at Online Educa Berlin, the 15th International
Conference on Technology Supported Learning & Training, 2-4th December,
A (2008). The Strategic E-Learner:
Variations of Learning Strategies and Needs in Self-Paced E-Learning. Paper
presented at the Second Nordic Workshop on Phenomenography in Computing
Education Research (NoPHICER), Kristianstad, 21 May.
A (2008). The Strategic E-Learner:
Variations of Cognitive Strategies and Learning Needs. Paper presented at
Educational Association for Research on Learning and Instruction, Special
Interest Group: Implications for phenomenography and variation theory in
practice (EARLI SIG9), Kristianstad, 22-24 May.
A., Bengs, A., Forth, J., Hassenzahl, M., & Sperring, S. (2008). Exploring methods for measuring media
experience. Paper presented at the Nordic Conference on Experience,
November 24-25th, Vasa, Finland.
S. (2008). Teaching without teachers? Conclusions
drawn from the development work on the edutainment cross media concept The
Space Trainees. Presented at the Nordic Conference on Experience, November
24-25th, Vasa, Finland.
T. & Sperring, S. (2007). Set-Top Box
Interactivity vs. Mobile Phone Interactivity in an Interactive Play-along TV
Game Show. Paper presented at CMID ´07 – the first International Conference
on Cross-media Interaction Design in Hemavan, Sweden 22-25 March 2007.
A. (2007). Behaviour Typologies of
Web-Learning: Defining Levels of Strategic Behaviour of the Self-Paced
Web-Learner. Paper presented at the Nordic Educational Research Association
(NERA) 35th Congress, Turku, Finland, 15-17 March.
A. (2007). The Importance of Feedback for
Developing Strategies for Self-Directed Web-Learning. Paper presented at
Nordic Media Education Conference, Vasa, Finland, 10-11 May.
A. (2007). Needs of the Web-Learner:
Facilitators for Developing Self-Direction. Paper presented at the
conference Eyes on iTV, Vasa, Finland, 29-31 May.
S. & Strandvall, T. (2006). exEnteractivity
– Experiencing Entertainment in Interactive Television. Paper presented at
the NordForsk doctoral course “Publics, audiences and users”, November 10,
2006, Køge, Denmark.
Workshop presentations:
S., Wiklund-Engblom, A., & Bengs, A. (2014). Experience Design to the
Rescue for Suburban Social Cohesion. Paper presented at the NordiCHI’14
Workshop “Making Places: Visualization, Interaction and Experience in
Urban Space”. In the adjunct proceedings of the 8th Nordic Conference on
Human-Computer Interaction, October 26th 2014, Helsinki, Finland.
S., Wiklund-Engblom, A., & Staffans, S. (2012). Seams in Transmedia
Experiences. Workshop at the 7th Nordic Conf. on Human-Computer Interaction,
October 14th 2012 in Copenhagen, Denmark.
A. (2012). Perspectives on Transmedia Storytelling. Presented at “Seams in
Transmedia Experiences” Workshop at the 7th Nordic Conf. on Human-Computer
Interaction, October 14th 2012 in Copenhagen, Denmark.
A. (2008). Analyzing emotions in the
e-learning process. Workshop presentation at the NordiCHI 08 Conference,
Lund, October.
A., Bengs, A., Forth, J., & Sperring, S. (2009). The Edutainment Cross Media Format “The Space Trainees”: User
Experience Study 2. Presented at the workshop ”Edutainment: Learning while
Having Fun” at Åbo Akademi University, May 19th.
S., & Wik, A. (2009). The Space Trainees. Presentation at the workshop
”Edutainment: Learning while Having Fun” at Åbo Akademi University, May 19th.
A., Wiklund-Engblom, A., & Sperring, S. (2009). A Multimethod Approach for Measuring Mobile UX. MobileHCI09. In
adj. proc. of The 11th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction
with Mobile Devices and Services. Paper presented in the Workshop: Measuring
Mobile Emotions: Measuring the Impossible? 15-18 September in Bonn, Germany.
S., & Wik, A. (2009). The Space Trainees. Presentation at the workshop “Think positive – designing and
understanding enjoyable interactive media experiences” at EuroITV 2009, June 3rd, Leuven, Belgium.
A. (2009). The Space Trainees.
Presentation at the preconference workshop ”Educational Media: Evaluating the
Learning Experience” at the Eyes on User Exerience Conference, November 10th,
in Vasa, Finland.
A., Bengs, A., & Sperring, S. (2010). Triangulating
UX Methods for Targeting End-Users’ Subjective Experiences of Media Content. In
adj. proc. of the 8th EuroITV, 9-11 June, Tampere, Finland.
Poster presentations:
Majors, J., & Ståhl, M. (2020). Player Experience and Preferences. Poster presentation at the 14th European Conference on Game Based Learning, September, 2020
S., & Staffans, S. (2008). The making of „The Space Trainees“: Developing
edutainment in a cross media environment. Poster presentation at EuroiTV, the
6th European Interactive TV Conference. Salzburg, Austria, July.
S., & Wiklund-Engblom, A. (2009). Think
positive – designing and understanding enjoyable interactive media experiences.
Poster presentation at the EuroITV 2009 Conference, June 3-5, in Leuven,
A. (2009). End-Users’ E-Learning
Experience. Poster presentation at the Eyes on User Exerience Conference,
November 11-12th, in Vasa, Finland.
A., Bengs, A., Staffan, S., Sperring, S., Forth, J., & Österblad, H.
(2009). The Space Trainees: Evaluating an
Edutainment Experience. Poster presentation at the Eyes on User Exerience
Conference, November 11-12th, in Vasa, Finland.
A. (2009). Social media and User Centered Design: Methods, Challenges, and
Requirements. Poster presentation vid Eyes on User Exerience Conference,
November 11-12th, in Vasa, Finland.
Hägglund Susanne. (2021). Welfare technology innovations on the Pepper platform. Zenodo.
J., Elomaa, J., & Högväg, J. (2017). Tutkimus personoidusta uutisista, Yle
ja Onni. MAYO raportti helmikuu 2017. Viestintäalan tutkimussäätiö.
Staffans, S. … (2013). Energialähettiläs …
S., Backholm-Nyberg, Y., Esch, M., & Wiklund-Engblom, A. (2012). Developing
and Producing Multiplatform Content in Finland – what, why and how? Report.
Available online at:
M., Hissa, A., Peltonen, S., Pitkäjärvi, S., Oraviita, T., Bengs, A., Rautanen,
K., Sperring, S., & Forth, J. (2010). ImageTestLab – Evaluating Brands on
International Markets. Available online at:
L., Rautanen, K., Esch, M., & Huvio, P. (2009). Esiselvitys luovien
alojen innovaatio- ja kehitystarpeista. Rapport över förundersökning över
utvecklingsbehoven inom SME:s i sju kreativa branscher. ARMADA.
A. (2009). Social media and User Centered Design: Methods, Challenges, and
Requirements. Rapport om vetenskapliga och kommersiella metoder för testning av
sociala media.
Bengs, A. (2009). Monikulttuurisen sisällön testaus. Rapport om
vetenskapliga och kommersiella metoder för testning av multikulturellt digitalt
innehåll och konkurrensanalys.