The overall objective of the Horizon Europe-funded APOLLO2028 project is to provide health and care workers, organisations, and healthcare system funders and policy makers with research-backed innovative solutions to help improve mental health, wellbeing, and capacity to be more resilient to changing environments (especially daily pressures and extreme events) at the workplace. The originality of the project is to consider resilience in health care in a holistic approach to build individual, team and organizational capabilities to face the next extreme events and daily pressures. Therefore, we will study individual factors affecting resilience, group factors, organizational factors, and develop a model involving all types of factors. This model will serve as a basis for the production of guidelines to be disseminated to health and care workers, their managers, as well as policy makers and health systems funders. We will also develop an AI-based system to support in the identification of stress factors and recommend actions. We will involve all the stakeholders in a co-design work to finalise our solutions. We will also review the cost effectiveness of our solutions. The main impact of our project will be a reduction of stress factors at the workplace, and an improvement of resilience of all the health and care workers. We will ensure our solutions are disseminated to all EU member states and adapted to the specifics of each of their health care systems.

Experience Lab leads a work package focusing on individual resilience. We are developing new measures of resilience based on daily measures of affective reactivity to workplace stressors, and exploring organizational factors that explain why people differ in their level of resilience. We are also heavily involved in the co-creation of a scenario analysis tool, where health care leaders will explore effects of leadership decisions in a simulated organization.

The project is led by University of Montpellier, France.

Other members of the consortium:

Bocconi University
Trinity College Dublin
Karolinska institutet
Kaunas Universiity of Technology
Vilnius University
Eötvös Loránd University
Massachusetts General Hospital (teaching hospital of Harvard Medical School)
University Hospital of Montpellier
Centre Hospitalier Universitaire De Nîmes

Funding from:

Horizon Europe
HORIZON-HLTH-2023-CARE-04-02: Resilience and mental wellbeing of the health and care workforce
