Internet of Things (IoT) in Energy systems
The focus of the Internet of Things (IoT) in Energy systems-project is to boost energy technology research through a new form of multidisciplinary cooperation. Through the project, R&D personnel and ICT- and energy technology experts meet and cooperate in a new way towards a smarter specialization.
Project description:
The aim of this project is to boost energy technology research through a new form of multidisciplinary cooperation where R&D personnel and ICT- and energy technology experts meet to cooperate in a new way towards a smarter specialization. The new kind of energy technology research and interdisciplinary R&D cooperation also aims at strengthening the regional innovation capacity. New equipment and demo environments are raised and built up where different levels of energy systems and their specific qualities can be studied, modelled, stimulated and tested through IoT based methods and tools. All to better understand and implicate the dynamics in the systems and to increase the development of new technology, applications and new services in cooperation with regional organizations and businesses.
Project actions:
- Elaborate a research- and demo environment for energy technology and system development where IoT- based methods and tools have a crucial role.
- Strengthen regional knowledge within the field of energy research through a new form of multidisciplinary R&D to work towards a smarter specialization
- Create a demo environment / Living Lab to conduct field studies and demonstrations of energy related products with IoT functions, energy transformation units and complete energy systems