Digital Innovation Processes at a Distance
The aim of the project is to:
Evaluate virtual co-creation processes based on the needs of regional actors regarding innovation work and open innovation (both process and tools) from a user perspective, and based on this knowledge,
Develop concepts for digitally based co-creation with a good user experience. The concept development will result in concrete tools and processes for implementation and application in various contexts, with examples in the form of validated best practices.
The project includes the following actions:
A preliminary study in the form of interviews with 10-15 key persons in companies and organizations working with innovation and development.
Implementation of 2-3 pilot experiments with tools identified to address challenges in the process.
Compilation of a checklist for virtual innovation processes based on the results.
Presented through a workshop for interested companies and organizations.
The project results in:
Verified knowledge about the user experience of co-creation with digital tools – both the usability of the tools, the content experience, and the social experience – and the processes in which these tools are included.
Improved development processes that consider the needs and expectations of all participants and lead to better results.
This also supports and develops participants’ learning and innovation capacity.
Support in the form of concrete manuals and checklists on how the work is conducted and how to handle challenges along the way, as well as strengthened regional, context-adapted competence that can lead to the development of new services, improvement of existing services, and identification of development opportunities.
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