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Projects - Finished

@geing Online

Digital services for meaningful social activities among the elderly in the Bothnia region.

The project develops and evaluates a custom application (for touch screen/tablet) – with a focus on promoting meaningful social activities among the elderly in the Bothnia region. The planned application will support the opportunities for older people living at home to maintain social networks, relationships, and activities.

In the co-creation of the application, existing evidence-based prototypes are further developed and tested in collaboration with end-users and stakeholders in three municipalities in the project region. An open innovation approach with strong user involvement is applied throughout the project from prototype to finished product.

At the end of the project, three different cases will be presented, where various customized versions of the digital solution have been developed according to the specific needs and conditions identified in the different municipalities. The target group of the project includes stakeholders in the field, including smaller to medium-sized regional companies that, at the end of the project, can introduce the digital solution into their product range. Regional companies on both sides of the Kvarken Strait are also involved in the operation during the project period.

Projects - Finished

Bothnia Learning Hub

The Bothnia Learning Hub leverages the opportunities of digitalization. The project further develops and disseminates good practices of digital learning environments and experiments with new technologies and working methods. The focus is on teacher education at Åbo Akademi and teachers in the field. This is done through a development process in the form of a co-creative process at three levels, leading to a knowledge lift for all actors.

The project is one of Prime Minister Sipilä’s spearhead projects for developing teacher education.


Bothnia Learning Hub utnyttjar digitaliseringens möjligheter. Projektet vidareutvecklar och sprider god praxis av digitala lärandemiljöer och experimenterar med nya teknologier och arbetssätt. I fokus är lärarutbildningen vid Åbo Akademi och lärare på fältet. Detta sker genom ett utvecklingsarbete i form av en medskapande process på tre nivåer som leder till ett kunskapslyft hos alla aktörer.

Projektet är ett av regeringen Sipiläs spetsprojekt för att utveckla lärarutbildningen.