Include Me – Inclusion Through Mediation
The Inclusion Through Mediation Project (IncludeMe) aims to empower learners, activists and migrants to become peer-to-peer mediators in their communities and their wider area. Include Me recognises that the Europe 2020 goals for a more inclusive Europe with higher social integration and community cohesion are more important today than ever in light of increasing societal tension, linked to the economic crisis, immigration & refugee crisis and increasing multi-ethnicity communities etc. Educating migrants and refugees as well as higher education providers, community activists and workers, in mediation skills can play a substantial, positive role in changing social dynamics.
Thus, the project aims to:
- Undertake EU wide research to identify the skills, opportunities and best practices on social mediation across Europe and publishe a Good Practice Guide of the findings.
- Develop a set of Open Education Resources to deliver mediation skills training to learners and volunteers in creative, dynamic ways; allowing them to maximise inclusion through mediation.
- Produce the IncludeMe MOOC which will engage a high number of volunteers, migrants and stakeholders, allowing them to learn in flexible and adaptive new ways.
The main target groups for this project are:
- Refugees/migrant background and other disadvantaged individuals.
- Community workers, NGOs and voluntary sector organizations.
- Education providers and all their staff.
- National education stakeholders.
- EU policy makers and EU global organisations directly involved in the education sector.
includemeproject.eu https://www.includemeproject.eu/
erasmus-plus project: https://ec.europa.eu/programmes/erasmus-plus/projects/eplus-project-details/#project/2020-1-FI01-KA203-066490