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games and learning Projects - Finished

Games and Learning – a research based network

While digital games have gained some research interest, there remains untapped potential in terms of learning and education. We see a need to explore research on games to support teacher education in terms of learning in and for the future. The constant development of digital games results in a rapidly shifting environment where all actors are needed to facilitate a research-based understanding of games and learning. 

Through this project, we endeavour to create possibilities for networking and collaboration between relevant actors on a regional, national and international level. 

We aim to strengthen the field of games and learning at the Faculty of Education and Welfare studies at ÅAU through collaboration. We identify research gaps and the needs from those working in the field, strengthen networks as well as design the pilot phase of this research project.  

We also aim to create ecosystems with relevant actors – researchers, teachers/schools/organisations and game developers. Through this project we combine the competence on games and learning as well as other relevant areas at the Faculty of Education and Welfare studies; Experience Lab, Matilda Ståhl’s research as well as other game-oriented research endeavours (e.g., Tandem på spel and Redit).  

The project has two phases: 1) the networking and piloting phase and 2) the implementation phase. Likewise, the project has two main areas – research as well as networking and collaboration, which in turn creates a supportive and engaging environment for developing new ideas.  Through creating a network based is Ostrobothnia with national and international collaborations and networks, we strengthen the research environment and the teacher education at the faculty. Further, as part of the project, we have together with Dr Mariana Rocha (Dublin Technological University) established “Games and Learning – an International Junior Researchers Network”, see more information below. 

Our short-term goal is to create a platform for research on games and learning. In terms of long-term goals, we aim to support the creation of international research projects where the results are employed in teacher education and the educational field at large.  

Research coordinator: Matilda Ståhl, 

Project manager: Yvonne Backholm-Nyberg,  

Project team: Matilda Ståhl, Yvonne Backholm-Nyberg och Joachim Majors

Games and Learning – an International Junior Researchers Network 

The network currently consists of around ten members from six different countries, including fresh PhD-students to post-doctoral researchers. We have monthly online seminars where we present current projects and so far, we have looked at drafts for papers, posters as well as games in progress.  

If this sounds like an interesting network you would like to be part of, we are happy to announce that we are accepting new members! However, to be able to maintain a level of trust and constructive criticism during these seminars, we wish to keep the network on the smaller side with active members. Therefore, we ask anyone interested in joining our network to contact either Matilda Ståhl or Mariana Rocha by email (see information below), give a short presentation of yourself and why you would like to be included in the network! 

Matilda Ståhl, Åbo Akademi University 

Mariana Rocha, Dublin Technological University

inclusiveHE-logo Projects - Finished

InclusiveHE – Designing and supporting inclusive practices in Higher…

This project aims to support higher education institutions in the development of innovative and inclusive policies and practices, including:

  • Integration of inclusive practices in designing and teaching courses;
  • Increase of access, participation and completion rates of underrepresented and disadvantaged groups;
  • Increase of the competitiveness of the European Higher Education sector.
    The outputs of the project are:

The outputs of the project are:

  1. Toolkit for supporting the development of inclusive policies in higher education, targeting administrators and policy-makers at higher education institutions;
  2. Training course on the design of inclusive education programmes targeting learning designers and academics;
  3. e-learning platform and a MOOC on inclusive practices for academic and support staff.

Experience Lab is involved in project coordination and research together with project leader Emmanuel Acquah from the Minority Research Profile.

The project is co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union.

Project Leader and Coordinator: Åbo Akademi University

Project team at ÅAU: Emmanuel Acquah (project lead), Anette Bengs (coordination and research), Kalypso Filippou (research), Yvonne Backholm-Nyberg (communication and coordination)

Project Consortium: Åbo Akademi University (lead partner) Centre for Advancement of Research and Development in Educational Technology LTD-CARDET in Cyprus, University of Pitesti in Romania, University of Latvia, European Universities Continuing Education Network (eucen), Innovade LI LTD in Cyprus

Project webpage:

includeME Projects - Finished

Include Me – Inclusion Through Mediation

The Inclusion Through Mediation Project (IncludeMe) aims to empower learners, activists and migrants to become peer-to-peer mediators in their communities and their wider area. Include Me recognises that the Europe 2020 goals for a more inclusive Europe with higher social integration and community cohesion are more important today than ever in light of increasing societal tension, linked to the economic crisis, immigration & refugee crisis and increasing multi-ethnicity communities etc. Educating migrants and refugees as well as higher education providers, community activists and workers, in mediation skills can play a substantial, positive role in changing social dynamics.

Thus, the project aims to:

  • Undertake EU wide research to identify the skills, opportunities and best practices on social mediation across Europe and publishe a Good Practice Guide of the findings.
  • Develop a set of Open Education Resources to deliver mediation skills training to learners and volunteers in creative, dynamic ways; allowing them to maximise inclusion through mediation.
  • Produce the IncludeMe MOOC which will engage a high number of volunteers, migrants and stakeholders, allowing them to learn in flexible and adaptive new ways.

The main target groups for this project are:

  • Refugees/migrant background and other disadvantaged individuals.
  • Community workers, NGOs and voluntary sector organizations.
  • Education providers and all their staff.
  • National education stakeholders.
  • EU policy makers and EU global organisations directly involved in the education sector.

erasmus-plus project:

Projects - Finished


The project aims to research, design and develop a digital second language learning game that could be used to teach Swedish and Finnish as a second language to newly-arrived immigrant students in Finland.

The vision is that the game will support the preparatory class curriculum and can be used both in school and during leisure time. The game is developed through a user-centred design process, where both teachers, students, reearchers and game developers participate throughout the process.

The research that is carried out in parallel with the game development, focuses partly on the process (the effectiveness of using user-centred co-creation approach), the adaptation of content from the preparatory class curriculum and responsive digital pedagogy as a means to engage 21st century digital natives.

This project addresses the current achievement gap between native Finns and immigrants and has the potential to improve communication, well-being, and social integration in Finland and other European countries that face similar integration hurdles.

The project is funded by Svenska kulturfonden and Högskolestiftelsen i Österbotten.

The project is a collaboration between Åbo Akademi University and Novia University of Applied Sciences.

The project is led by the Minority Research Profile and coordinated by Experience Lab at Åbo Akademi University.

Hippo hybrida lärstigar Projects - Finished

HIPPO – Hybrid Learning Paths

Project Goal: The aim of the project is to understand how teachers and students experience the digital learning environments and educational materials that shape the digital learning paths that have emerged in the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic. We begin by focusing on the positive experiences and the elements that work well.

The study is conducted at Vasa Övningsskola’s upper secondary school in collaboration with the publishers Otava and Schildts & Söderströms, whose digital educational materials are included in the study.

Using a user-centered perspective, we study the learning paths to gain a research-based understanding and vision of what future hybrid learning paths could look like in a reality where in-person and distance learning are blended.

Based on the results, we create a proof of concept for a successful hybrid learning path, based on the documented experiences of teachers and students.

The concept will be developed through a collaborative process involving researchers, teachers, students, and the publishers.

Project Management: Yvonne Backholm-Nyberg

Research Manager: Fritjof Sahlström

Project Team: Joachim Majors, Antti Paakkari, Verneri Valasmo, Susanne Hägglund


HIPPO – Hybrida Lärstigar

Projektets mål är att förstå hur lärare och elever upplever de digitala lärmiljöerna och läromedlen som formar de digitala lärstigar som uppstått i covid-19 pandemins kölvatten. Vi tar avstamp i de positiva upplevelserna och i de element som fungerar bra.

Studien utförs i Vasa Övningsskolas gymnasium i samråd med förlagen Otava och Schildts & Söderströms, vars digitala läromedel ingår i studien.

Utgående från ett användarcentrerat perspektiv studerar vi lärstigarna för att få en forskningsbaserad förståelse för och vision kring hur framtidens hybrida lärstigar kunde se ut – i en verklighet där närstudier och distansstudier blandas.

På basen av resultaten skapar vi ett proof of concept för en god hybrid lärstig, baserad på lärarnas och elevernas dokumenterade erfarenheter.

Konceptet kommer att arbetas fram i en samskapande process mellan forskarna, lärarna, eleverna och förlagen.

Projektledning: Yvonne Backholm-Nyberg 

Forskningsansvarig: Fritjof Sahlström 

Projektgrupp: Joachim Majors, Antti Paakkari, Verneri Valasmo, Susanne Hägglund 

Pepper Projects - Finished

MäRI – Social Robots as Agents in Healthcare

Åbo Akademi/Experience Lab and Arcada collaborate on the project MäRI (Human and Robot Interaction), which aims to generate evidence-based knowledge about how care recipients and nursing students experience encounters with a social humanoid robot.

The focus is on understanding how trust towards the robot is perceived and expressed, and what implications this has for a human-centered, ethically designed robot-assisted solutions, targeting potentially vulnerable groups.

Through the project, an application for selected robot platforms is developed. Arcada and Experience Lab collaborate on the design and testing of the application content within the healthcare context.

Once the application is ready, it will be tested on the target audience. The target audience in this case speaks Swedish as their native language, and a crucial aspect of the project revolves around the robots’ ability to speak Swedish and the target audience’s ability to understand and trust what the robots say.

When the project yields results, these findings will be shared with healthcare professionals, nursing educators, students, and other stakeholders through the networks of both universities. The entire field is in urgent need of research-based knowledge in this area.

The MäRI project is a crucial step in consolidating and strengthening knowledge about social robots in Swedish-speaking Finland.

The project is funded by the Swedish Cultural Foundation and is led by Susanne Hägglund (ÅA) and Christa Tigerstedt (Arcada).

Project team at Experience Lab: Susanne Hägglund, Yvonne Backholm-Nyberg, Sören Andersson, and Mattias Wingren.

[SV] MäRI – sociala robotar som agenter i vården

Åbo Akademi/Experience Lab och Arcada samarbetar kring projektet MäRI (Människa och Robot-Interaktion) som strävar efter att ta fram evidensbaserad kunskap kring hur vårdtagare och vårdstuderanden upplever mötet med en social, humanoid robot.

Fokus ligger på att förstå hur tillit gentemot roboten upplevs och uttrycks och vilka implikationer det här har för en människocentrerad, etisk design av robotstödda lösningar, som har potentiellt sårbara grupper som målgrupp.

Genom projektet skapas en applikation för utvalda robotplattformar. Arcada och Experience Lab vid samarbetar kring designarbetet och testningen av innehållet i applikationerna inom vården.

När applikationen är klar ska den testas på målgruppen. Målgruppen i detta fall har svenska som modersmål och en viktig del i projektet handlar om just robotarnas förmåga att tala svenska och målgruppens förmåga att förstå och känna tillit till det robotarna säger.

När projektet nått resultat kommer dessa att delges vårdpersonal, vårdlärare, studenter och andra intressenter via de bägge högskolornas nätverk. Hela fältet är i skriande behov av forskningsbaserad kunskap på området.

Projektet Märi är ett viktigt led i att sammanföra och stärka kunskapen kring sociala robotar i Svensk-Finland.

Projektet finansieras av Svenska Kulturfonden och projektleds av Susanne Hägglund (ÅA) och Christa Tigerstedt (Arcada).

Projektteam på Experience Lab: Susanne Hägglund, Yvonne Backholm-Nyberg, Sören Andersson och Mattias Wingren.

Projects - Finished


Development of Research Platform

The Reboot project aims to refine the understanding of young people’s everyday experiences and social interactions in the school environment through mobile-based experience collections, known as Experience Sampling Method (ESM).

Experience Lab explores the possibilities and plans the development of an ESM tool in collaboration with FPV, developmental psychology.

Compared to traditional surveys, ESM studies have better potential to capture real-time experiences and analyze individual developmental paths in relation to a specific situation or environment. Within the project, ESM is piloted with a focus on bullying and exclusion among secondary school students in Ostrobothnia and Jerusalem, while evaluating the method and digital tools.

In the longer term, the project aims to establish a research platform for ESM studies within FVP in Vasa, providing researchers and stakeholders with a credible tool to evaluate practices and interventions in the school environment.

[SV] Utveckling av forskningsplattform

Projekt Reboot strävar efter att nyansera förståelsen av ungas vardagsupplevelser och sociala interaktioner i skolmiljö med hjälp av mobilbaserade erfarenhetsinsamlingar, så kallade Experience Sampling Method (ESM).  

Experience Lab uträder möjligheterna och planerar utvecklingen ett ESM-verktyg i samarbete med FPV, utvecklingspsykologi.

Jämfört med traditionella enkäter har ESM-studier bättre möjlighet att fånga upp här-och-nu-upplevelser och analysera individuella utvecklingsstigar i förhållande till en viss situation eller miljö. Inom projektet piloteras ESM med fokus på mobbning och utanförskap bland högstadier i Österbotten och Jerusalem, samtidigt som metoden och de digitala redskapen utvärderas. 

På längre sikt strävar projektet efter att etablera en forskningsplattform för ESM-studier inom FVP i Vasa i syfte att erbjuda forskare och samhällsaktörer ett trovärdigt verktyg för att utvärdera praxis och interventioner i skolmiljö.

Projects - Finished



The project aims to develop digitalization plans based on Internet of Things (IoT) solutions, with the purpose of increasing the quality of life in small and medium cities of the European Union. Experience Lab will collaborate with the town of Nykarleby and local stakeholders to form a local action group that will develop plans and ideas for themes such as road maintenance in winter.

With a total budget of 744,166.92€, co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund in 70% to 85%, this project facilitates the exchange of experiences in a process of shared learning in order to enable all partners to address problems identified as common from new perspectives in an attempt to solve them in the future..

The Municipality of Fundão (Portugal) is the leader of this consortium which also includes the municipalities of Razlog (Bulgaria), Dodoni (Greece), Nevers (France), Jelgava Local Municipality (Latvia), Ånge (Sweden) and Kežmarok (Slovakia) and the Finnish university Åbo Akademi University. The first phase began in September 2019 and the second phase will be completed by August 2022.

In the first phase of the project, a set of key issues that can be enhanced with IoT solutions were defined, and once the network defines a common issue for all partners, in the second phase local actors will be involved through establishment of Local Action Groups, which will have the as final result of the elaboration of Local Action Plans. These plans will be important tools for validating a strategy with a impact on the definition of territorial development priorities.

The IoTXchange project application was carried out under the URBACT III programme, where 62 proposals from 525 partners from 29 countries, were submitted. The URBACT methodology, based on transnational cooperation between cities and the involvement of local groups, offers conditions for the development of integrated action plans to guide participants in this era of digital transformation. In total, 23 Action Planning Networks were approved for phase 2 by URBACT’s Monitoring Committee, on May 7th.

Inom URBACT- projektet IoTXchange skapar Experience Lab en lokal aktionsgrupp av intresserade parter för samskapande idéutveckling och uppgörande av en handlingsplan för smarta IoT-lösningar som bidrar till en bättre vardag för invånarna i små och medelstora kommuner. Vi kommer att samarbeta med Nykarleby stad kring projektet.

IoTXchange bygger ett europeiskt nätverk av partners som ska göra upp digitaliseringsplaner som bygger på sakernas internet (IoT eller Internet of Things) för att förbättra livskvaliteten i små och medelstora städer genom konkreta tjänster och lösningar. Projektkonsortiet leds av Fundão (Portugal) och omfattar kommunerna Razlog (Bulgarien), Dodoni (Grekland), Nevers (Frankrike), Jelgava landskommun (Lettland), Ånge (Sverige) och Kežmarok (Slovakien), samt Åbo Akademis Experience Lab, som är den första akademiska projektparten i URBACT-nätverket.

Detta URBACT III-projekt delfinansieras av den Europeiska Regionala Utvecklingsfonden. IoTXchange är ett av de 23 projekt som godkändes bland totalt 62 förslag med sammanlagt 525 partners i 29 länder.

Läs mer om projektet på webbsidan:

Projects - Finished

Vasa RoboCare

Experience Lab och Vasa RoboCare

Projektet utvecklar kunskap om hur humanoida sociala robotar kan bidra till framtidens hälsovård i Österbotten, samt förbereder befolkningen på allt mer digitaliserade hälsotjänster där robotar kan komma att vara en realitet.

Syftet är att designa och testa användning av humanoida sociala robotar i vården, mäta patienters och vårdares upplevelser av tillit och omsorg i ett vårdmöte med en social robot samt att utveckla ett användarcentrerat träningsprogram som leds av en humanoid robot som kan stöda den äldre välbefinnande.

Forskningen bidrar till välmående hos österbottningar, personal liksom patienter, i en allt mer högteknologisk vård. 

Projektet är finansierat av Högskolestiftelsen i Österbotten och leds av docent Linda Nyholm vid enheten för vårdvetenskap. 

Projects - Finished


Workplace Pedagogy in Higher Education – Expertise, Agency, and Workplace Skills

The project aims:

  1. Renewal of the operating cultures of higher education institutions, making collaboration with the workplace a natural part of their organizational structures.
  2. Strengthening the connection between research, development, innovation activities, education, teaching, and learning.
  3. Establishing permanent models for workplace pedagogical support and guidance, utilizing digitalization as well.
  4. Enhancing students’ workplace readiness, their educational and ethical foundation, and facilitating a faster transition to the workplace.
  5. Strengthening the competence of higher education staff in workplace relations and pedagogy.
  6. Strengthening collaboration between universities and polytechnics.

Strengthening workplace collaboration and workplace pedagogy will improve students’ development of workplace skills and expedite their transition to the workplace. Simultaneously, the quality of education, guidance, learning, and expertise will improve. The project involves 10 universities and 6 polytechnics.

The project is divided into the following work packages:

  1. Research-based models supporting practical workplace pedagogy.
  2. Strengthening students’ workplace readiness.
  3. Support and guidance in workplace pedagogy.
  4. Workplace perspective in curricula.
  5. Research, development, and innovation activities as part of education.

[FIN] Työelämäpedagogiikka korkeakoulutuksessa – asiantuntijuus, toimijuus ja työelämätaidot

Hankkeen tavoitteena on:

  • Korkeakoulujen toimintakulttuurien uudistuminen niin, että työelämäyhteistyö on luonnollinen osa korkeakoulujen toimintarakenteita.
  • Tutkimus- kehittämis- ja innovaatiotoiminnan yhteyden vahvistuminen koulutukseen, opetukseen ja oppimiseen.
  • Pysyvät toimintamallit työelämäpedagogiseen tukeen ja ohjaukseen hyödyntäen myös digitalisaatiota.
  • Opiskelijoiden työelämävalmiuksien sekä niiden sivistyksellisen ja eettisen perustan vahvistuminen ja nopeampi työelämään siirtyminen.
  • Korkeakoulujen henkilöstön osaamisen vahvistuminen työelämäsuhteissa ja _x0013_pedagogiikassa
  • Ammattikorkeakoulujen ja yliopistojen välisen yhteistyön vahvistuminen.

Työelämäyhteistyön ja työelämäpedagogiikan vahvistaminen tulee parantamaan opiskelijoiden työelämätaitojen kehittymistä ja nopeuttamaan heidän siirtymistään työelämään. Samalla koulutuksen, ohjauksen, oppimisen ja osaamisen laatu paranee. Hankkeeseen osallistuu 10 yliopistoa ja 6 ammattikorkeakoulua.

Hanke jakautuu seuraaviin työpaketteihin:

  • Tutkimuspohjaiset mallit käytännön työelämäpedagogiikan tukena
  • Opiskelijoiden työelämävalmiuksien vahvistaminen.
  • Tuki ja ohjaus työelämäpedagogiikassa.
  • Työelämänäkökulma opetussuunnitelmissa.
  • TKI-toiminta osana koulutusta.